Their is something about spreading out in the new studio these days that has me so nervous and full of angst-y energy. Here now we have all kinds of possibilities, and its a struggle to get to them while still managing all the work and all the administrative things that fall under the heading of need-to-do. Once you have the space, you start to think: Now, why don’t I have all the time? Moving, quite typically, from content to malcontent, excited to stressed, enlivened to engaged, cycles of energy up to down. Then of course it all comes back again, cycling in and around itself.
That energy is a deep dark body of reds. Plasma finding forms on a path to its next state. Reds roil and burn, ignite then cool. Its hard to play with reds because you have the sense they are uncontrollable and unwilling to play with others.
So, for me now, the word is patience. After a burst of action I settle back into long stares and the mixing of hands and mind into making. Balancing energies and discovering good paths to walk on.