I’m proud to announce that I have completed my latest project, The MOUNDS book! And it is now up for purchase on my shop page here.
MOUNDS is a collection of 20 of my recent small Mound paintings. Each is carefully reproduced here in brilliant color ( I love printing!!). Along with this is a short poetic essay exploring what these images are, what making images can be, and the possibilities of creating sigils in art.
I enjoy delving into the apotropaic in art. That is, art that can exert an influence on us as individuals and the world around us. I choose abstraction to explore this, following a long tradition of adding symbols together to create new forms. These images grow from the traditions of sigil making in witchcraft and other magical practices.
For me, this work takes the shape of Mounds. A way of smashing together color and line,symbol and calligraphy into pictures that reflect an essential value or hope, creating a point of focus and intention.
Putting these images into print is a way to spread them around more. Create a more casual and comfortable experience with them beyond galleries and other spaces. A way to very literally put them into people’s hands.

This book is a first step in taking my work in some new directions. I had ideas of moving my work into books and other more personal spaces for a long time. My interest in printing and printed materials runs deep, and I have a vision for creating more and more of this work. Very happy to say I finally finished this first book and the possibilities it presents for seeing my imagery in a new way and opening up a whole new area of creative practice is awesome.
So yeah, super-excited.
By all means please check it out. It is a limited run, so I encourage you to get your copy soon. Click the link below to purchase. $12.00 Post paid in the US.